Ante Miličević
December 30, 2023

How to Set Up Nginx Ingress Controller on Kubernetes

In this comprehensive Ingress tutorial, we'll teach you how to set up an Nginx Ingress controller.

Today, we'll go through a detailed step by step on how to set up an Nginx Ingress controller on Kubernetes. So, keep reading, and grab a pen. Let's get started.

There are two types of Nginx ingress controllers.

  • Nginx ingress controller by the Kubernetes community
  • Nginx ingress controller by Nginx Inc

For this purpose, we will be employing the Nginx controller from Kubernetes community.

Ingress & Nginx Ingress Controller Architecture

This image presents a high-order architecture of Kubernetes Ingress utilizing the Nginx Ingress controller. In this tutorial, we'll be focusing on constructing the setup depicted in the architecture.

Ngix Ingress Controller


  • A Kubernetes cluster
  • The 'kubectl' utility installed and authenticated for the Kubernetes cluster
  • Administrative privileges for the Kubernetes cluster
  • A valid domain to point to the ingress controller Load Balancer IP. (Optional)
  • If you are implementing this setup on Google Cloud, ensure to assign your account the necessary administrative privileges to facilitate cluster roles.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>ACCOUNT=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.account)')
kubectl create clusterrolebinding owner-cluster-admin-binding \
   --clusterrole cluster-admin \
   --user $ACCOUNT

Nginx Ingress Controller Kubernetes Manifests

All the Kubernetes manifests necessary for this tutorial have been hosted on our Github repository. Please clone it and utilize it for deployment purposes. The source of these manifests is the official Nginx community repository.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>git clone</code></pre>

Initially, by deploying Nginx controllers using YAML manifests, we will familiarize ourselves with all the connected Kubernetes objects. After we have understood them, we will proceed to deploy them through the Helm chart.

Additionally, for convenience, here is a one-liner provided to deploy all the objects simultaneously.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl apply -f</code></pre>

Note: To grasp the Nginx ingress controllers objects and the connections between them, I would propose creating objects one by one from the repo. Once you've grasped the mechanism, you could switch to using a single manifest or a Helm chart for deployment purposes.

Deploy Nginx Ingress Controller With Manifests

To set up a functioning Nginx controller, it is necessary to deploy the following Kubernetes objects:

  • Ingress-nginx namespace
  • Service account/Roles/ClusterRoles for Nginx admission controller
  • Validating webhook Configuration
  • Jobs to create/update Webhook CA bundles
  • Service account/Roles/ClusterRoles of Nginx controller deployment
  • Nginx controller configmap
  • Services for nginx controller & admission controller
  • Ingress controller deployment

Note: You have the option to create all the manifests on your own, or use the provided Github repository. Nevertheless, I strongly recommend reviewing each manifest and comprehending what you are deploying.

Need for Admission Controller & Validating Webhook

The Kubernetes Admission Controller is essentially a compact code segment designed to authenticate or update Kubernetes objects prior to their creation. Here, it serves as an admission controller to authorize ingress objects. This Admission Controller code is embedded within the Nginx controller, listening on port 8443.

So, why exactly is an admission controller required?

Absence of an admission controller allows for the deployment of an ingress object that may encompass incorrect configurations. Such misguided configurations could disrupt all ingress rules bound to the ingress controller.

Implementing an admission controller ensures the ingress object we are crafting possesses the right configurations, thereby preserving routing protocols.

Here's an outline of how admission controllers function in Nginx:

  • Upon deploying an ingress YAML, the Validation admission intercepts the associated request.
  • Kubernetes API subsequently propels the ingress object to the validation admission controller service endpoint, mapped by admission webhook endpoints.
  • This service forwards the request to the Nginx deployment on port 8443 to authenticate the ingress object.
  • The admission controller sends back a response to the k8s API.
  • Provided it's a valid response, the API proceeds to create the ingress object.

Let's progress onward to create Kubernetes objects for the ingress controller.

Create a Namespace

We are now all set to deploy all of the Nginx controller objects within the ingress-nginx namespace.

Now, let's proceed with the creation of the namespace.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl create ns ingress-nginx</code></pre>

Create Admission Controller Roles & Service Account

It is essential to create a Role and ClusterRole featuring the necessary permissions and have it bound to the ingress-nginx-admission service account. Proceed to create a file named admission-service-account.yaml and copy the given contents.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>---
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
 labels: admission-webhook ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx-admission
 namespace: ingress-nginx

kind: Role
 annotations: admission-webhook ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx-admission
 namespace: ingress-nginx
- apiGroups:
 - ""
 - secrets
 - get
 - create

kind: RoleBinding
 labels: admission-webhook ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx-admission
 namespace: ingress-nginx
 kind: Role
 name: ingress-nginx-admission
kind: ServiceAccount
 name: ingress-nginx-admission
 namespace: ingress-nginx

kind: ClusterRole
 labels: admission-webhook ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx-admission
- apiGroups:
 - validatingwebhookconfigurations
 - get
 - update

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
 labels: admission-webhook ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx-admission
:  apiGroup:
 kind: ClusterRole
 name: ingress-nginx-admission
kind: ServiceAccount
 name: ingress-nginx-admission
 namespace: ingress-nginx

Upon completion, move forward with deploying the manifest.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl apply -f admission-service-account.yaml</code></pre>

Create Validating Webhook Configuration

Create a file named validating-webhook.yaml, and copy the provided content.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>---apiVersion:
kind: ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
 labels: admission-webhook ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx-admission
- admissionReviewVersions:
 - v1
     name: ingress-nginx-controller-admission
     namespace: ingress-nginx
     path: /networking/v1/ingresses
 failurePolicy: Fail
 matchPolicy: Equivalent
 - apiGroups:
   - v1
   - ingresses
 sideEffects: None

Proceed with the creation of the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl apply -f validating-webhook.yaml</code></pre>

Deploy Jobs To Update Webhook Certificates

The ValidatingWebhookConfiguration operates solely over HTTPS, hence requiring a CA bundle. We utilize kube-webhook-certgen to produce a CA cert bundle as a part of the first job. The generated CA certificates get stored in a secret named ingress-nginx admission. Subsequent to this, a second job is employed to patch the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration object utilizing the CA bundle.

Create a file named jobs.yaml and copy the following content.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>---
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
 labels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx-admission-create
 namespace: ingress-nginx
     labels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
     name: ingress-nginx-admission-create
     - args:
       - create
       - --host=ingress-nginx-controller-admission,ingress-nginx-controller-admission.$(POD_NAMESPACE).svc
       - --namespace=$(POD_NAMESPACE)
       - --secret-name=ingress-nginx-admission
       - name: POD_NAMESPACE
             fieldPath: metadata.namespace
       imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
       name: create
         allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
     nodeSelector: linux
     restartPolicy: OnFailure
       runAsNonRoot: true
       runAsUser: 2000
     serviceAccountName: ingress-nginx-admission

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
 labels: admission-webhook ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx-admission-patch
 namespace: ingress-nginx
     labels: admission-webhook ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
     name: ingress-nginx-admission-patch
     - args:
       - patch
       - --webhook-name=ingress-nginx-admission
       - --namespace=$(POD_NAMESPACE)
       - --patch-mutating=false
       - --secret-name=ingress-nginx-admission
       - --patch-failure-policy=Fail
       - name: POD_NAMESPACE
             fieldPath: metadata.namespace
       imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
       name: patch
         allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
     nodeSelector: linux
     restartPolicy: OnFailure
       runAsNonRoot: true
       runAsUser: 2000
     serviceAccountName: ingress-nginx-admission

Once the jobs are executed, describing the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration will reveal the patched bundle.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl describe ValidatingWebhookConfiguration ingress-nginx-admission</code></pre>

Create Ingress Controller Roles & Service Account

Begin by creating a file designated ingress-service-account.yaml and copy the following data.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>---
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
 labels: admission-webhook ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx
 namespace: ingress-nginx

kind: Role
 labels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx
 namespace: ingress-nginx
- apiGroups:
 - ""
 - namespaces
 - get
- apiGroups:
 - ""
 - configmaps
 - pods
 - secrets
 - endpoints
 - get
 - list
 - watch-
 - ""
 - services
 - get
 - list
 - watch
- apiGroups:
 - ingresses
 - get
 - list
 - watch
- apiGroups:
 - ingresses/status
 - update-
 - ingressclasses
 - get
 - list
 - watch- apiGroups:
 - ""
 - ingress-controller-leader  resources:
 - configmaps
 - get
 - update
- apiGroups:
 - ""
 - configmaps
 - create-
 - ""
 - events
 - create
 - patch

kind: RoleBinding
 labels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx
 namespace: ingress-nginx
 kind: Role
 name: ingress-nginx
- kind: ServiceAccount
 name: ingress-nginx
 namespace: ingress-nginx

kind: ClusterRole
 labels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx
 - ""
 - configmaps
 - endpoints
 - nodes
 - pods
 - secrets
 - namespaces
 - list
 - watch
- apiGroups:
 - ""
 - nodes
 - get
- apiGroups:
 - ""
 - services
 - get
 - list
 - watch
- apiGroups:
 - ingresses
 - get
 - list
 - watch-
 - ""
 - events
 - create
 - patch
- apiGroups:
 - ingresses/status
 - update
- apiGroups:
 - ingressclasses
 - get
 - list
 - watch

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
 labels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx
 kind: ClusterRole
 name: ingress-nginx
kind: ServiceAccount
 name: ingress-nginx
 namespace: ingress-nginx

Start the deployment of the manifest.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl apply -f ingress-service-account.yaml</code></pre>

Create Configmap

Through this configmap, you possess the capabilities to alter Nginx settings at will. It enables you to determine custom headers along with regulating the majority of Nginx settings. Consult the official community documentation for a comprehensive list of supported configurations.

Create a file titled configmap.yaml and populate it with the following contents.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>---
apiVersion: v1
 allow-snippet-annotations: "true"
kind: ConfigMap
 labels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx-controller
 namespace: ingress-nginx

Then you can create the configmap.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml</code></pre>

Create Ingress Controller & Admission Controller Services

Create a file labeled services.yaml and copy the following content into it.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>---
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
 labels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx-controller
 namespace: ingress-nginx
 externalTrafficPolicy: Local
 - IPv4
 ipFamilyPolicy: SingleStack
 - appProtocol: http
   name: http
   port: 80
   protocol: TCP
   targetPort: http
 - appProtocol: https
   name: https
   port: 443
   protocol: TCP
   targetPort: https
 selector: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 type: LoadBalancer
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
 labels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx-controller-admission
 namespace: ingress-nginx
 - appProtocol: https
   name: https-webhook
   port: 443
   targetPort: webhook
 selector: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 type: ClusterIP

After this you create the services.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl apply -f services.yaml</code></pre>

The mechanism ingress-nginx-controller sets up a Loadbalancer in the respective cloud platform you are deploying to.

Using the below-stated command, you can retrieve the IP/DNS of the load balancer.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl --namespace ingress-nginx get services -o wide -w ingress-nginx-controller</code></pre>

Note: Every cloud provider offers unique annotations that aid in mapping static IP address along with other configs to the Loadbalancer. Check out GCP annotations here and AWS annotations here.

Create Ingress Controller Deployment

Create a file named deployment.yaml and duplicate the following content.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
 labels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
 name: ingress-nginx-controller
 namespace: ingress-nginx
 minReadySeconds: 0
 revisionHistoryLimit: 10
   matchLabels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
     labels: controller ingress-nginx ingress-nginx
     - args:
       - /nginx-ingress-controller
       - --publish-service=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/ingress-nginx-controller
       - --election-id=ingress-controller-leader
       - --configmap=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/ingress-nginx-controller
       - --validating-webhook=:8443
       - --validating-webhook-certificate=/usr/local/certificates/cert
       - --validating-webhook-key=/usr/local/certificates/key
       - name: POD_NAME
       - name: POD_NAMESPACE
             fieldPath: metadata.namespace
       - name: LD_PRELOAD
         value: /usr/local/lib/
       imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
             - /wait-shutdown
         failureThreshold: 5
           path: /healthz
           port: 10254
           scheme: HTTP
         initialDelaySeconds: 10
         periodSeconds: 10
         successThreshold: 1
         timeoutSeconds: 1
       name: controller
       - containerPort: 80
         name: http
         protocol: TCP
       - containerPort: 443
         name: https
         protocol: TCP
       - containerPort: 8443
         name: webhook
         protocol: TCP
         failureThreshold: 3
           path: /healthz
           port: 10254
           scheme: HTTP
         initialDelaySeconds: 10
         periodSeconds: 10
         successThreshold: 1
         timeoutSeconds: 1
           cpu: 100m
           memory: 90Mi
         allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
           - NET_BIND_SERVICE
           - ALL
         runAsUser: 101
       - mountPath: /usr/local/certificates/
         name: webhook-cert
         readOnly: true
     dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
     nodeSelector: linux
     serviceAccountName: ingress-nginx
     terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 300
     - name: webhook-cert
         secretName: ingress-nginx-admission

Create the deployment.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml</code></pre>

To verify the functionality of the deployment, inspect the pod status.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl get pods -n ingress-nginx</code></pre>

Nginx Ingress Controller Helm Deployment

If Helm is your preferred tool, the ingress controller can be deployed using the community helm chart. The ValidatingWebhookConfiguration is set to be disabled by default in values.yaml.

Move forward with deploying the helm chart, which will generate the namespace ingress-nginx if it doesn't already exist.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx \
 --repo \
 --namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace

Verify the success of the helm release.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>helm list -n ingress-nginx</code></pre>

For reclaiming resources, proceed to uninstall the release.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>helm uninstall ingress-nginx -n ingress-nginx</code></pre>

Map a Domain Name To Ingress Loadbalancer IP

The fundamental objective of Ingress rests on steering external traffic towards services operating on Kubernetes. Ideally, within projects, a DNS would be synchronized with the IP of the ingress controller Loadbalancer.

This coordination can be accomplished through the respective DNS provider along with the domain name in your possession.

Info: For applications exposed to the internet, it would comprise a public DNS pointing to the public IP of the load balancer. In the scenario of an internal application, it will likely be an organization's private DNS mapped to a private load balancer IP.

Single DNS Mapping

You possess the capability to directly ascribe a single domain as an A record to the load balancer IP. Through this, you can maintain solely one domain for the ingress controller and multifaceted path-based traffic routing.

For example,

<pre class="codeWrap"><code> --> Loadbalancer IP</code></pre>

This approach also permits path-based routing.

Providing a few examples,

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>

Wildcard DNS Mapping

By mapping a wildcard DNS to the load balancer, you enable dynamic DNS endpoints via ingress.

Upon adding the wildcard entry to the DNS records, it's necessary to specify the needed DNS in the ingress object. The Nginx ingress controller will then handle routing to the relevant service endpoint.

Take the following two mappings as examples.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>* --> Loadbalancer IP
* --> Loadbalancer IP

This method allows multiple dynamic subdomains via a singular ingress controller. Each DNS can maintain a unique path-based routing.

To illustrate, here are a few examples.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>#URL one

#app specific urls

#URL two

For demonstration objectives, I've aligned a wildcard DNS to the LoadBalancer IP. Depending on your DNS provider, the DNS record can be added.

The following image exhibits the DNS records employed for this blog's demonstration. Since EKS was used, rather than a LoadBalancer IP, there's a DNS of a network load balancer endpoint—a CNAME. In a GKE situation, an IP will be given, and in that case, the creation of an A record is necessary.

Deploy a Demo Application

To assess ingress, we'll roll out a demo application and append a ClusterIp service to it. Without ingress, this application will only be reachable within the cluster.

Step 1: Create a namespace named dev

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl create namespace dev /code></pre>

Step 2: Create a file named hello-app.yaml

Step 3: Copy the following contents and save the file.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
 name: hello-app
 namespace: devspec:
     app: hello
 replicas: 3
       app: hello
     - name: hello
       image: ""

Step 4: Create the deployment through kubectl

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl create -f hello-app.yaml</code></pre>

Examine the status of deployment.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl get deployments -n dev</code></pre>

Step 5: Create a file named hello-app-service.yaml

Step 6: Copy the following contents and save the file.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
 name: hello-service
 namespace: dev
   app: hello
 type: ClusterIP
   app: hello
 - port: 80
   targetPort: 8080
   protocol: TCP

Step 7: Initiate the service with the assistance of kubectl.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl create -f hello-app-service.yaml</code></pre>

Create Ingress Object for Application

Let's now formulate an ingress object to link with our hello app using a DNS. An ingress object fundamentally creates a setup for routing regulations.

If you're contemplating how the ingress object links with the Nginx controller, the answer lies in the ingress controller pod. It connects to the Ingress API to review any rules, subsequently updating its nginx.conf in alignment.

Since I've mapped wildcard DNS (* with the DNS provider, I'll utilize as the marker pointing towards the hello app service.

Step 1: Create a file named ingress.yaml

Step 2: Copy the following contents and save the file.

Substitute with your domain name. Moreover, we're creating this ingress object within the dev namespace given that the hello app is operational within the dev namespace.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>apiVersion:
kind: Ingress
 name: test-ingress
 namespace: dev
 ingressClassName: nginx
 - host: ""
       - pathType: Prefix
         path: "/"
             name: hello-service
               number: 80

Step 3: Describe the created ingress object to verify the configurations.

<pre class="codeWrap"><code>kubectl describe ingress  -n dev</code></pre>

Now, if I attempt to access the domain, I can access the hello app as displayed below. (Ensure that you replace it with your domain name.)

TLS With Nginx Ingress

It is feasible to configure TLS certificates for each ingress object. At the ingress controller level, TLS terminates.

The following image shows the ingress TLS configuration. As a secret object, the TLS certificate must be added.


Throughout this article, we've acquired knowledge about setting up the Nginx ingress controller. Initiating the process is relatively straightforward. Nonetheless, for project execution, certain steps necessitate your attention- delve into all Nginx configurations and calibrate them to align with specifications.

The Nginx controller configmap facilitates customization of all Nginx settings—void of the necessity for redeployment of the controller.

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